Showing posts with label obstacles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obstacles. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I feel like a bloated whale!

Okay, as a woman you know we have all had those days.  Cankles, sausage fingers, nothing fits, and you somehow gained ten pounds overnight!  In reality, that is impossible.  It just doesn't feel like that when you are jumping up and down while pulling your pants up because you somehow think gravity is going to be friend all of a sudden.
It is such an awful feeling and all I can think is, "what in the World did I eat?"  OR  "Seriously, it's THAT time of the month AGAIN?"  Ugh...frustration.  I have a really hard time with any high sodium body will store it like I am a camel!
So, how do we combat the sodium?  How do we beat the bloat?  Well, here are my tips on what I do when I wake up feeling like a bloated whale.  Feel free to comment with yours as well!

My number ONE go to...WATER!  Warm lemon water in particular.  Say what now?  Water get's rid of water?  YES MA'AM!  Extra water is always a plus!  It flushes your system.  Good old H2O helps flush out toxins and extra salt (which can be responsible for that puffy feeling) from your system, so remind yourself to drink more water throughout the day. Keeping a water bottle with you at all times is a great way to ensure you're always filling up.
1. Boost your immune system : lemons are rich in vitamin C, which is great for fighting colds. 
They are rich in potassium, which stimulates brain and nerve functions. Potassium also helps control blood pressure.
2. Balances pH : drink lemon water every day will reduce the total acidity of your body. 
Lemon is one of the more alkaline foods. Yes, the lemon has citric acid but not create acidity in the body once metabolized.
3. Helps weight loss: lemons are rich in pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger and cravings. 
It has also been shown that individuals who maintain a more alkaline diet lose weight faster.
4. Aids digestion : lemon juice helps to remove unwanted materials. 
Encourages the liver to produce bile, which is an acid which is required for digestion. 
Efficient digestion reduces heartburn and constipation.
5. Is a diuretic : lemons increase the rate of urination in the body, which helps to purify. 
Toxins are thus released at a faster speed to help maintain urinary tract health.
6. Clean the skin : the vitamin C component helps decrease wrinkles and blemishes. 
Lemon water removes toxins from the blood and helps maintain clear skin too. 
Actually, it can be applied directly to scars to help reduce their appearance.
7. Freshens breath : not only this, but it can help relieve pain and gingivitis
Citric acid can erode tooth enamel, so it must be controlled very well.
8. Relieves respiratory problems: hot lemon water helps get rid of chest infections and stop annoying cough. 
Is believed to be helpful for people with asthma and allergies as well.
9. Keeps you in zen: vitamin C is one of the first things depleted when you submit your mind and body to stress.  As mentioned above, lemons are filled with vitamin C.
10. Help to quit coffee : after taking a glass of hot lemon water, most people suggest they have less desire for morning coffee.

Why does it have to be warm, not cold? 
Cold water likely provides a shock factor or stress in the body. 
It takes energy for your body to process the cold water.
The recipe is simple : a cup of warm (not hot) and the juice of half a lemon.

Okay NEXT!!!
Morning workout...specifically PiYO!  If you don't have PiYO, order it, lol!  Yoga will do the trick too.
Yoga twists help rid your body of toxins by aiding your digestion. This yoga detox sequence includes plenty of twists and stretches to help you wake up and feel your best.

Eat slowly.  I know, I am a crazy busy mom, I shove cold food in my mouth for most meals while one if not both of my toddlers scream or try to pull my pants down.  It's insanity.  However, Eating too quickly can cause air to be trapped in your system, so chew slowly to minimize bloating caused from getting too much air trapped in your system.

Watch your portion sizes!  Make sure you're not over eating.  If you feel really full after a meal, there is probably a reason for it.

Eat more FIBER!  Many women don't get enough fiber, which is the key to feeling full, energized, and bloat-free. You should aim to get 25 to 30 grams of fiber a day; reach that goal by snacking on fiber-rich foods.

Skip the alcohol.  Do I really need to say more?  

Lastly...SLEEP!  Get to bed and get some rest!  Sleep helps regulate your metabolism, so lack of sleep can make you feel sluggish in more ways than one. Keep your body working at its best by ensuring you get seven to nine hours of sleep at night.

Again, please feel free to share your tips!  I am always up for new ideas!  I hope this helps a bit....on that note, I need to go drink some water!

Friday, October 10, 2014



I ordered my 21 day fix yesterday!  I am so excited!  I will be starting this challenge group right before Halloween!  Don't be tricked by the treats-treat YOURSELF to the challenge pack and join me!!!  Together we got this!  Accountability, support, menu plans, shakeology recipes, 30 min workouts and more!  It takes 21 day to develop a habit, make this yours!  


Seriously, I have 4 little boys, this is going to be so easy for me!  I NEED THAT!  Why not you?  Why not now?

I want to start now-It's time for me, sign me up!

Saturday, October 4, 2014


No, not mini-challenges.  Health and fitness challenges.  Currently in our 'challenge group' we have been discussing the things you face that get you off track from your goals.  It is my mission to help these women!  I needed to come up with something to try to help them.  Well, I thought I HAVE to share it with all of you as well!  So here it is, I made 2 "pictures" to post in the group for them and told them to PLEASE add on to it if anything else worked for them!  You do the same!  It's all about coming together and helping one another.  Just because something works for me doesn't mean it will work for you.  What works for you may not work for your BFF.  See where I am going here?  Of course you do ;)