For anyone who knows me or read my bio, you know that my son, Joaquin, was diagnosed with autism.  Before he even got his 'diagnoses' his father and I knew something was different.  I was looking into things and everything kept coming up, "AUTISM."  So I had an idea this was all coming and tests just verified it.  (Still very hard to hear though-along with adhd and SPD)
I needed to help him in any way I could so, to the research department I went!  I googled like crazy and read till my head was spinning.  I new one thing for sure, I was NOT medicating my son.  He deserves to experience the world just as much as anyone else, why in the world would I take that from him?  I did however strongly agree with everything I read on BIOmedicating.
Now, if you are reading this I am guessing you know someone or have some interest in educating yourself about autism.  Firstly, NO TWO AUTISTIC CHILDREN ARE THE SAME!  Yes, there tend to be a lot of similarities but, they are NEVER the same.  That being said, not all autistic children will react the same way to biomeds.  What works for one will not always work for another.
I luckily hit the jackpot on the first try.  Joaquin made a HUGE transformation!  His entire pre-school year he just continued progressing, it was amazing to see!!!
Then it happened.  What I have read about, what I have heard about, what I prayed would never happen.  Joaquin started to regress.  This can be common in the summer, they get out of their routine and that isn't always an easy process.  While you can start a new one for them, having 3 other son's, as hard as I tried I could not always keep things the same way. By the time August hit we noticed a tremendous change in him.  His therapists could also see it, they told me to give it time and let him get readjusted to school.  Readjusting is one thing however, Joaquin was starting a new school, a more hands on school for him to grow and excel.  Yet another change.
Late August I was introduced to shakeology.  My little guy is a picky eater, let's face it, most four year old's are.  He loves shakes though!  Shakeology is a superfood, seriously it has over 30 superfoods in it, as well as protein.  The 70 plus other ingedients are amazing too, they help to cleanse and detox the body.  I believe this is important for everyone but, especially with autism. Studies show there is a direct gut to brain connection and purifying that helps all aspects.  By detox, I don't mean that you would be starved or weakened. You still are giving your body what it needs, with amazing nutrition while gently flushing toxins from your body. Nutrients include protein, probiotics, minerals, phytochemicals, amino acids, antioxidants and more.
Well, 10 days in and in addition to his biomeds and therapy (which we never stopped doing) Joaquin is improving.  He has it as a snack, not a full meal replacement and he is speaking better (similar but not the same level as he had been at) and went to the bathroom 4 days IN A ROW!  Eeeeek!  That's a super big deal in our house!

I am going to continue tracking his progress but, I truly think it is helping!  We shall see....

Joaquin's Biomeds

Read more about shakeology

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